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Update 3: Tagged GSE, M8-46 (6488), Arrives Back in Kuwait

After spending the summer in southern Russia (click here) M8-46 (6488) embarked on its autumn migration 2021 on 20 September.  Its autumn migration lasted until 15 October (25 days), during which it flew 3657 km.  Its average speed on migration was 16.9 km/hr (max. = 90 km/hr).  The bird made two stopovers – one in central Kazakhstan during 22 September – 4 October (11 days), and one in Turkmenistan during 6 – 8 October (1 day).

Track (purple) of an adult female GSE (M8-46, 6488) during autumn migration 2021.  Green diamond = start of migration, red stars = stopover locations, red diamond = end of migration. Grey line = movements during 2020, and other parts of 2021.  © KFAS/KEL/IAR

Not surprisingly, the Kuwait Environmental Lens (KEL) team were able to record the eagle’s presence at Al Jahra very soon after its arrival.  See below.

The ring of M8-46 (6488) photographed soon after its arrival on 15 October 2021. © lkwtlens


Dr. Mike McGrady

is an ecologist, specializing in raptors, including eagles. He has worked on a variety of projects over the past 30 years on raptors in Arabia, and has worked on raptors in Central Asia that migrate to Arabia.

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