
Update of Greater spotted eagle 8749

On migration to Russia

Greater spotted eagle being released at Jahra Pools Reserve, Kuwait, after being fitted with a tracking device.

8749 was about 2.5 years old when it was fitted with a tracking device at Jahra Pools on 18 December 2021. Its migration is mapped below.

Movements of a second-year Greater spotted Eagle (8749) during 19 December 2021 – 9 June 2022.

On 9 January 8749 left Kuwait for southern Iran (map above), settling in the wetland and agricultural areas southeast of Ahvaz.  Another of our tracked eagles, 6491, behaved similarly.  You can read about 6491 here.  8749 stayed in that area of western Iran until 11 April, when it embarked on spring migration, which proceeded quickly.  By 23 April 8749 had crossed the border between Kazakhstan and Russia.

Since late April 2022, 8749 has wandered around Russia, mostly in the Russian regions bordering Kazakhstan. During 17 May – 9 June, 8749 has been rather settled near lakes that border agricultural land (approx. 57.389N, 65.154E) in Tyumen Oblast, about 40 km NW of the city of Tyumen. See maps below.

Movements of a second-year Greater spotted Eagle (8749) after crossing into Russia during 23 April – 9 June 2022.

Movements of a second-year Greater spotted Eagle (8749) during 17 May – 9 June 2022 in Tyumen Oblast, Russia.

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