
A Greater spotted eagle (Clanga clanga) at Jahra Pools Reserve, Kuwait (Photo: A. Al Zaidan)

Blog 1.1

In January 2020, Kuwait Environmental Lens (KEL), supported by the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Science (KFAS), initiated a project to study the raptors that use the Jahra Pools Nature Reserve. Although the project looks at all the raptors that use the reserve (and indeed all the other birds), it concentrates its effort on the Greater spotted eagle (Clanga clanga). This blog is about that project. From time to time we will post information on this study (mostly in English, but also in Arabic). Mainly we will report on the progress of our efforts to track eagles, provide maps that show the movement of the tracked eagles, and discuss their biology, ecology, and conservation. Posts will also be made on other topics of interest, including about other species, conservation, photography and the reserve. We hope that people will visit the blog regularly (best to establish a notification of when new posts are made), and make comments and ask questions about the project and the birds. To get the ball rolling we have already posted to the blog about: 1. Greater spotted eagle, and 2. the Jahra Pools Reserve. In the coming days we will give more information on the projet and updates of the tracking we have done, thusfar. Hopefully, we will soon be up to date.

Blog 1.2


د. مايك مكجرادي

باحث دولي متخصص في الطيور، وهو إيكولوجي متخصص في الطيور الجارحة، بما في ذلك النسور. اشتغل في مجموعة متنوعة من المشاريع على مدار الثلاثين عاماً الماضية لدراسة الطيور الجارحة في شبه الجزيرة العربية، كما درس الطيور الجارحة في وسط آسيا وتعقب هجرتها إلى شبه الجزيرة العربية.

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