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Greater Spotted Eagle Eye Candy

Transmittered Greater spotted eagle soaring over Al Jahra Pools, January 2022. © A. Al-Zaidan

As described in the last post on 18 January (here), we fitted GPS tracking devices to five Greater spotted eagles at Al Jahra Pools in December 2021.  Those join the other eagles we are tracking since January 2020 (see here and here).  Below is some fantastic drone footage of Greater spotted eagles flying above Al Jahra, shot by Dr. Abdulla Al-Zaidan (Deputy Director General at the Environmental Public Authority).  It is with the permission of the EPA that the study into Greater spotted eagles is being conducted.  (Click twice on the image below and it should open in a new window, and be easier to view) If you look closely, you can see the tracking device on some of the birds (around 28 and 35 seconds in), which are fitted as a backpack.  Enjoy!


Dr. Mike McGrady

is an ecologist, specializing in raptors, including eagles. He has worked on a variety of projects over the past 30 years on raptors in Arabia, and has worked on raptors in Central Asia that migrate to Arabia.

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